Especially for the forum arrived: Rosen Plevneliev - President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Rumyana Bachvarova - Deputy Prime Minister for Coalition Policy and Public Administration and Minister of Interior, Stamen Yanev - Executive Director of InvestBulgaria Agency, Stephan Fricke - CEO and Head of the Advisory Board of the German Outsourcing Association and representatives of over 100 companies from the IT and outsourcing industries.
One month later Mr. Rosen Plevneliev, President of the Republic of Bulgaria received the award for the country named as Offshoring Destination of 2015. Our country received the highest recognition from the European Outsourcing Association (EOA).
The European Outsourcing Association Awards are one of the most prestigious and evaluate the countries which have favorable conditions for the development of the sector. This is also a very high recognition for the successful joint efforts of the state and the business to stimulate the industry in Bulgaria. Our country won in competition with Latvia and South Africa.